Friday, July 26, 2024

ESCAPE TO THE GARDEN for "Tea In The Garden"

 Today I decided to slip in a little 
"Tea In The Garden" and especially
since I have some lovely hydrangeas
in bloom around the yard.

It is very relaxing here by the pond
 and the sound of the water feature
 is very calming.

I baked some Blueberry Cream
Scones and will include the recipe
here at the bottom as you might
enjoy making some too.

Please pour yourself a nice
cup of tea:

Flowers around the yard are 
really in summer mode now so
there is always a transition.
This is meadow phlox which is
a Missouri native wildflower.  I have
 to pull it out as it really spreads.

We have lots of strawberry
right now.

We have had more rain this summer
which has been really helpful.


Blueberry Cream Scones:

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees and cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.
I made 19 little 1 3/4" scone cutter sized
scones with this recipe

2 1/4 cups sifted flour, 1 Tb baking powder, 1/4 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 6 Tb cold, chopped unsalted butter,
1 cup washed blueberries, 1 cup heavy whipping cream (not whipped)

For a topping we used English Lemon

1.  Sift all the dry ingredients together
2 Cut in the cold butter (I actually shredded mine using a cheese shredder)
3. Stir in the whip cream and form dough
Add blueberries and mix into a nice dough
4 Roll out on a floured surface to about 1 inch thick.  Cut with scone cutter and place on parchment paper to bake.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 We have been having some rainy
days and also flooding.  The Missouri
River is up really high.  It seemed
like this might be a perfect opportunity
to reset the dining room table with
my Old Country Roses dishes.

My husband and I went to a few
antique malls recently and I was
fortunate to be able to find another
etched water glass at a great sale
 price to replace one that I had
 knocked over.  I do break things
and I try to always take this in stride.
After all, it isn't life threatening and
I would rather use and enjoy my 
pretties than hide them away.

I was so happy that our lawn mowing
was timed in between rains.  You know
that situation I am sure!

This was the replacement etched
water glass I was pleased
to find.  It is called "Meadow

I love linens and fabric napkins.
When we lived in Colorado I found
this old compote here joined with
extra napkins in it:


I hope your summer is going well.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Today I thought it would be fun
to do a patriotic table setting
for the 4th of July which is
when we celebrate Independence 
Day in the USA:

This vintage English Ellgreave teapot
has very soft colors:

This teapot was a 1976 Sadler
Bi-Centennial commemorative.
We were able to attend those
activities in Yorktown, Virginia.

My transferware teapot, cream
 and sugar and
a few other pieces are USA Homer
and Laughlin historic George
Washington pieces.

I found the damask burgundy red fabric
a while back.  It was vintage, never
used and enough to easily make a

It is very hot where we live and
might just be where you live too.

Happy Independence Day!

A Template for your
Afternoon Tea Menu:

Thursday, June 20, 2024



Do you find it hard to turn the oven on
when it is very hot outside?  I sure do
understand but even so, I decided to
bake a cake yesterday.  I have made
this cake many times over the years.
The recipe was originally from an
old 1970's Southern Living Magazine.

After dinner last night
my husband
and I each
had a piece.

Happy first official day
of summer!