Saturday, April 15, 2023


 Welcome to Springtime in Missouri:

I actually feel guilty posting this after
a friend showed the snow coming down
in Colorado Springs where we used
to live.  Spring is definitely here in

I loved going out today, just before a
little rain storm and setting up my
first "Tea In The Garden" for
the season.

Most of the daffodils and the 
tulips have already come and gone. 
 The Forget Me Nots are just getting started.

I didn't plant many tulips last fall so
I wondered how many would return.

We recently had our trees trimmed
so it will be interesting  to see how
much more additional sunshine can
come into the area.  I want to really
watch my foxgloves as too much
sun here in our heat can prove deadly.

The bouquet found it's way to
the front porch entrance.

The first lilac to bloom is out
at the front of our house.


  1. Bernideen, it seems that up here in Ohio, Spring arrived just over night. After so many months of anticipation. Your flowers are ahead of our and I really enjoy seeing you have so many varieties. I do finally have wild violets blooming in the yard and your violet teapot is so delicate.

  2. What a triumph of beauty and joy fills your first Tea in the Garden, dear Bernideen, your Spring is truly gorgeous! Thank you for sharing such a wonder!
    Enjoy your Sunday and the new week to come
    Xx Daniela @ ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  3. What a triumph of beauty and joy fills your first Tea in the Garden, dear Bernideen, your Spring is truly gorgeous! Thank you for sharing such a wonder!
    Enjoy your Sunday and the new week to come
    Xx Daniela @ ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  4. What a delightful first tea on your garden for the year, Bernideen! Your bouquet is so pretty and I can almost smell those lilacs. I sure miss them! Thank you for sharing your lovely tea.

  5. Beautiful…thanks for sharing Spring! xo, V.

  6. Oh, how lovely!! I would love to have tea in your garden! Everything is so fresh and springy!! Your flowers are beautiful, and I love the lilacs! We can't grow them (or tulips or daffodils) here in Florida, so seeing these arbiters of spring is a welcome sight for me. Thank you for sharing this delightful tea time with us!


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