Thursday, December 7, 2023


 I am sharing a few more photos of
our Christmas decorations.

We had unusually warm weather today
so those of you who have snow must
be "feeling the season" a little more.

I reset my table this week after using
it last Sunday when we participated
in a youth progressive dinner.  We
had 22 here at 3 tables for lasagna
for our part of the evening.

 I used cloth napkins for all the youth so
afterwards I washed linens and ironed
them all.  Fortunately, I enjoy ironing.

I made the tea cozy many years ago:

I think I will get some different 
candles for my candlabras.  I 
shared this 19th century lithograph
here on this blog many years back.
I found it at one of the flea markets
in Fort Collins, Colorado.  This
year I decided to put it out in our
dining room for 
the season.  

We may not be putting our nativity up
outside this year as my husband is
having eye issues.  We certainly will
enjoy our indoor decorations. 

I hadn't participated in a link party
for years but today I am going to
do that:


  1. Everything is so beautiful! Very festive and so very pleasant! I can imagine those young people really enjoyed being in your home! That looks like a wonderful event, and something they will remember always. Thank you for doing that. I hope you have a blessed Christmas season!

  2. Absolutely stunning table setting, those red and white dishes are so beautiful !
    What a lovely experience for those youngsters to dine at a proper decorated table with linen napkins, and a gorgeous centerpiece.
    So very kind of you to offer such a get-together.

  3. I just love your style, Bernideen! Aren’t you happy that you bought that gorgeous candelabra? Your red transferware dishes are so pretty. How nice to entertain the youth and share your beautiful home and Christmas spirit with them.

  4. I am sure those youth were very impressed by your lovely dinner setting. It is so in the Christmas spirit.

  5. The lithograph is gorgeous Bernideen! Have a wonderful holiday season.

  6. You have such a generous heart - what a blessing to enjoy a meal with these precious young people! A lot of ironing later, I can imagine. I'm sorry your husband is struggling with his eyesight, that is so tough. Your home is decorated so beautifully! Many blessings to you :)


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