Saturday, March 19, 2022

"TEA AT DOWNTON" by Elizabeth Fellow


I have several tea books that have
recipes regarding the PBS series,
Downton Abbey.   This week I started
looking at the paperback copy of Elizabeth
Fellow's book called "Tea at Downton".
Now don't get confused here as Julian
Fellowes is the unrelated writer
of the television series and movies.

To hear her speak through this book is
 to know that you are hearing from 
someone who has done her research.
Some of us who have teas enjoy sharing 
 the story about Anna the Duchess of 
Bedford and the birth of the custom of
Afternoon Tea.  However, Elizabeth
has added other details that I found
 delightful to hear about for first time.

And for those who still struggle with
the institution of Afternoon Tea versus
High Tea, Elizabeth Fellow has a
 wonderful way of explaining the differences.  My husband and I recently watched the shorter series "Belgravia" which actually shows Anna serving Afternoon Tea and comments are made in the film regarding the fact that she is the first to do this.  I found this
so interesting and the fact that Julian
Fellowes included it in the production.  This was the online photo of the actress portraying Anna in the series "Belgravia". 
 What a tiny waist she has!

I have to say that I am not done reading
this paperback but I am really intrigued.
I will definitely be trying some of the

These were the very first spring blooms I picked 
in my front south facing yard today.

The pussy willow out front
 is definitely
starting to bud out.

In closing I also saw this fun
video on YouTube of a quirky


  1. You always fix the prettiest vase of flowers, Bernideen! The books sound so entertaining. I ordered three books from Discover Books that you mentioned not too long ago, and I’m enjoying them. Happy weekend to you!

  2. How interesting! I’m now dying to know the detail you never knew!

    I’ll have to check the book and that series out!

  3. Hi Bernideen! Oh, what a lovely tea setting and your tea pot and accessories are so beautiful. I love the old fashion ways of having tea! Just had a cup yesterday afternoon. I hope you're doing well and thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I enjoyed the little video from Highclere Castle. Delightful! And your references and pictures of the books for Tea Time and Downton Abbey sound like they would be fun to have. Thank you for sharing this and your lovely tea time table with us. I just also joined your new Facebook group! I look forward to getting better acquainted with you and others there. Have a blessed and beautiful day.

  5. Such a delightful post, Bernideen! I thought about you on Tuesday—I have a dear friend who loves to go out to tea as much as I do, and 5 years ago we started our Monthly Tea tradition, going to a local tearoom we enjoy. We had our outings monthly, without fail, for exactly 3 years when Covid struck. But Tuesday, after 2 years of missing our Monthly Teas, we resumed!


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