Friday, February 7, 2025


I think it is fun keeping the dining room
area table set for different seasons
and holidays.

Valentines Day is such a fun opportunity
to combine both whimsy and 

I found these English Adams plates
a year or so ago which all depict scenes
of romantic couples.  I set my table
with my favorite Alencon French lace
tablecloth.  This photo from last year
shows you the vintage cupid napkins.

I have 2 musical teapots that feature
couples.  I think both are from Japan.

I hope your winter is going well
and like you, I look forward to spring.
We have used our fireplace a lot
this winter.

Our snow melted this week and I 
see some plants and bulbs 
"hanging on".


  1. Very pretty Valentine's table. Most romantic. Have a great weekend.

  2. Delightful table setting. I really like the white teapot with the head of the woman and the man on the handle. I will be glad to see my daffodil leaves pop up. But our ground is frozen solid even though the snow melted last week. The temps stay below freezing day and night this week.

  3. It's always fun to see your Valentine's decor and table setting. You have such an eye for combining various pieces into a lovely display. Beautiful!

  4. You set the prettiest tables, Bernideen! Your plates are so perfect for Valentine’s Day. I keep my kitchen table set because my late beloved always liked to see it.
    Thank you for visiting my post. I thought of you when my daughter and I visited Beatitudes because you had asked if anyone who lived in the Dallas area had ever gone there. I’m so thankful that I finally was able to go.
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you ♥️

  5. Your table is beautifully set for a romantic dinner. I really, really love the cupid napkins! What a find! Have a great weekend.


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