Hello dear friends and welcome to
my first "Tea In The Garden for
the 2021 season:
As you can see - we have lots of
pretty tulips and still some daffodils
to brighten up the garden.

I am also sharing our new arbor
which we purchased a while back
in St. Louis. We got it from an
antique mall that has a booth that
sells those metal garden items.
I hope you would love some tea
as I have some lovely black tea today.
Please pour yourself a cup and
also enjoy an apple puff. (recipe
here) I have set our little table with some spring type English tea wares.
I do adore my Royal Winton
tea set which was like the ones
Victoria Magazine sold year
I have been working in the garden
quite a bit and actually removed
quite a lot of coneflowers which
were coming up in too many places.
People take anything I put out for
free on the driveaway. As I was
on my daily walk last night I looked
at yards and wondered who might
have planted something from our yard.
My husband painted the arbor green
first but then decided it didn't show
up well so he changed it to white.
Next, he is repairing and moving the old
blue wooden one to go in front of the gate.
We have had lovely violets blooming
around front and now the forget me
nots. Our weather is still cool with a
few warmer days. It is wonderful to
once again enjoy a green lawn.
The next thing to bloom will be the alliums
and the irises and the lilac bushes. In
the meantime - cooler weather is coming
our way again. Some of you will be
getting snow and for us it will be some
rain again.