Friday, October 11, 2019


Like many of you we will be getting some
colder weather here this weekend so I 
decided to go ahead and pick some blue
hydrangeas near the fish pond.

I will be sad to see my zinnias come to a
stop too because they just got really big
and lovely.

Are you ready for winter?  I
think I would like to keep fall
around longer!


  1. That is a stunning bouquet! I wandered about in my little yard looking for something to create a bouquet's a sad, pitiful one. ☺ Yes, I would love to have mild autumn last much longer. Winter is a the scary season for much work and expense. In the meantime, keep enjoying a wonderful fall.

  2. Your flowers bouquet is adorable as ever!Gorgeous vignettes!

  3. Such lovely bouquets for the fall! I noticed one hydrangea flower popped out last week but it's been so dry and hot not much is around in the garden that the deer may have missed. Cooler here, but fall is just beginning. Enjoy your cooler weather!

  4. Gorgeous flowers and just in time. We frosted Friday night, all my coleus and sweet potato vine are 'dead'....sadly. I think it was the wind while the temps didn't dip that low--the wind made it chillier. Sigh, such a weird season this year!

  5. Yes, I would like fall to stay longer also. Your bouquet is beautiful. How I would love more zinnias in the garden. I have tried planting seeds and not been successful. This year I got a small pot of some orange ones just for a touch of color and they have flourished. Now next year I will just buy a color, like pink, that I would love more and hope they also flourish.

  6. Hi Bernideen,
    I love your hydrangeas. Mine stopped blooming a long time ago. Your bouquet is gorgeous! I love the Sadler daintee lady teapot. I really am sad to see summer end and I don’t enjoy the lack of flowers as the weather gets cooler. Today is was so windy and rainy. Take care. Karen

  7. Dear Bernideen, please keep blogging. I live in Ohio and
    I love seeing your gardens and teas and the sightseeing
    you do around Missouri. Thanks you so much. Lynn Riley

  8. Beautiful pictures! I would like to keep fall around for awhile too. Your hydrangeas and zinnias are lovely.

  9. Your hydrangea and zinnia bouquet is gorgeous! Love all your tea set pieces on the buffet! Happy Fall!

  10. Yes, I’m with you Bernideen, I would love for Fall to stay around. The cooler temperatures are such a relief. Your bouquet is fabulous! I planted zinnias from seeds and my variety was so tall and leggy. Happy Fall to you! 🍂❤️🍁



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