Thursday, April 23, 2020


I had mentioned in yesterday's post that
my husband and I were digging a dry
creek (ditch) down the side of our yard.

It goes all the way down through the side
of the backyard and I will show that
area after the metal bridge arrives.

I am happy to report my foot is
much better after lots of ice.  I
had a strap on my shoe that took
the initial blow of dropping a big
rock on it.  I was very glad for
that strap.  I am sure I will have
a huge bruise and it did break the
skin but it could have been much worse.
I am very thankful!

We have been enjoying these tulips for quite a
while and I must say I shall not be sad to
see them go away.

So as our spring flowers move on I know
many of you will finally be enjoying
yours.  Isn't it amazing what different
weather patterns we all have.  Someone
just said to me that it will be 105 degrees
tomorrow in Arizona.  I can't even imagine.

I hope you are staying safe at home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


We are enjoying such a lovely day
that I dare not let it get by without
setting up a "Tea in The Garden".

I had plans to do a more elaborate
"Tea In The Garden" but today things
didn't go quite right.

My husband and I have spent 3 days working on
an outdoor project which involved digging
a long ditch down the side of our yard for rain
drainage and we are attempting to make it
 look like a dry creek bed.  We have ordered
a metal bridge to go over it so I will share
that area later.

What went wrong today was we got locked
out of our house and had to have the
locksmith come so we could get back in.
I already did this once in Colorado so this
time was my husband's turn.

So let's enjoy some tea while I tell
you my other kerfuffle:

We are adding bigger rocks along this
dry creek (ditch) and I dropped one
on my foot today.  Now, that's b a d !

I meant to talk about this book
in a prior post but forgot.  This
is the wonderful Victoria Magazine
book called "Our Hearts Are In England".
I absolutely love it and you can be excited
to know they will be coming with one
about France soon!

This book about England is on sale now 
for just $15.00 and it is wonderful.

I think our cold weather is over
because the forecast is warmer this
week.  That makes me really happy.

With warmer weather, we will also have 
more flowers and that will be so exciting. 

 Have you found it hard staying
at home?  I haven't at all.  I love working
in my yard, cooking, baking, sewing and

Thursday, April 16, 2020


I think I spoke too soon in my last post
which was entitled "Loving This Weather"
because the warm weather was short lived.

In spite of freezing weather at night,
and cold days this week - things have
survived and maybe the tulips have
even lasted longer.

Last year I found a lilac starter
and moved it out front:

We are supposed to get our
warm weather back Saturday
after rain tomorrow.  Both will
work for me!

I hope and pray you all are
doing well during this difficult time.

Peter Rabbit is enjoying his view:

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Although this has been a very difficult time
with the pandemic all over the world really,
 it has been a lovely springtime in Missouri. 
 We are praying for many who have loss
 loved ones and those who are ill.

I thought I'd give you another
 tour of my
backyard for Easter.

The fish are very happy now
 that the pond is
warmer !

Isn't it amazing how things just
suddenly turn green when just
weeks ago they were so brown?

I was afraid the squirrels would
eat all the bulbs I planted last
fall but am glad to see they didn't.

On the west side of our house we
have been working on a project of
digging a dry creek type ditch.  We
have a lot of water that pours down
the hill when it rains.  We are looking
at various ideas for bridges to go over
the "ditch" creek.  We will see.....

I regret that I didn't put a plastic 
garbage bag over
this birdbath last winter.  I can tell the
freezing has taken a tole on it.

I hope you have a safe and
enjoyable week.


Saturday, April 11, 2020


I have a few more photos to share of
my front yard bulbs:

It will be interesting to see how many
of these come up next year as they
were called perennial bulbs.

As you can see, the Hollyhocks
are already leafing out.

I took these photos Wednesday but then
it turned cold again.  At night we had
a freeze but the bulbs seemed fine the
next day.

I hung out a birdhouse that neighbors
 across the street made me last year.  The
 husband made the birdhouse and his wife
 painted it - like a little house.  The very next day after I hung it,  house  wrens arrived
 and they are building a nest. 
 I love the way the male house wren sings.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!
I hope you continue to stay at home.