Monday, June 17, 2024


 "Linens are my one weakness".

 I mentioned this saying recently
on my blog. That is what Dorcus Lane
said on the BBC series "Larkrise to
Candleford". Of  course it was funny because she said it about many things.

I find that it is hard to come across
old linens embroidered roses on them.
  The French call embroidery Richelieu. 
 I did purchase this vintage embroidered
 cutwork topper from across the globe. 

 In fact, it came from South Africa from
 a woman who shopped the flea markets in Paris, France.

This is the center of the topper above.
I never knew there were so many types of
old vintage and antique linens.  There are
crochet, appliqued, embroidered, needlework such as Point de Venice, 
Bobbin Lace, Filet Lace, Reticella, Alencon lace, Tuscan, Quaker, and 
so many more.  I am trying to learn.
 I will warn you that many things are misidentified on Ebay and Etsy.

Can you tell if something is hand made or made by a machine?  Sometimes 
I can but
not always.

And adding a bouquet
from the garden:


  1. Lovely linens made for a beautiful table setting for you. I enjoy seeing quality and antique.

  2. They add a touch of beautiful elegance to your table settings.

  3. You certainly have the most gorgeous linens (and Teaware and floral arrangements) ever, Bernideen! You display them so perfectly, too.


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