Thursday, March 6, 2025



With the arrival of March, I was
excited to reset the dining area table
with the green transferware that I
 have been collecting.

This is actually a Battenberg
bed cover I am using for a table
cloth which explains the deeper
drop on the sides.  The topper is linen
with brighter green cutwork embroidery.
I have two sizes of tablecloths that
 my Grandmother embroidered for me shortly after I was married
56 years ago.  There are 2 sets of
embroidered napkins too. 

 I used some of the stained 
napkins to make
a tea cozy years ago.

I find green transferware hard to find
and especially this Johnson Brothers
pattern called "The Florentine".

This covered dish
was my most
recent find:

We still had some
snow a few days
ago but we have
also enjoyed some
warmer days and
everyone is looking
forward to spring.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



As soon as Valentines Day
is over I begin to think
about violets!

We just got 3" of snow which isn't
really much but I will say Zero
degrees doesn't feel great on
the skin!  That's unusual for our
area of Missouri.

There are always things to do in the
winter:  sewing, baking or
crafting.  We don't mind staying in as 
we re-watch a little of the
Downton Abbey series each day.

I have collected violet themed
items for years and mix it together
with my purple transferware:

I hope your winter is going
along well!

Hope your week is wonderful....

Friday, February 14, 2025



I thought I'd make a little cozy 
for myself today.

I had this fabric from years

We really aren't doing anything
special.  It is cold and it
is supposed to snow

Do you mind winter?  I enjoy
the slowdown myself.

I should have including some
Valentine Sugar Cookies but
 they seem to have

Friday, February 7, 2025


I think it is fun keeping the dining room
area table set for different seasons
and holidays.

Valentines Day is such a fun opportunity
to combine both whimsy and 

I found these English Adams plates
a year or so ago which all depict scenes
of romantic couples.  I set my table
with my favorite Alencon French lace
tablecloth.  This photo from last year
shows you the vintage cupid napkins.

I have 2 musical teapots that feature
couples.  I think both are from Japan.

I hope your winter is going well
and like you, I look forward to spring.
We have used our fireplace a lot
this winter.

Our snow melted this week and I 
see some plants and bulbs 
"hanging on".

Saturday, January 25, 2025


I have never attended a Robert Burns
 Dinner but
I think it would be fun.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025


 What a job that was putting all those
Christmas treasures away.  I so
understand why - are you ready for
this - "old people" just get out a tiny
tree or nothing at all. 

 Right before Christmas my
husband went to the market to grab
a few things and a man pulled out and totaled our car.  He said the driver was
 an old guy so I asked "how old was he?"
Oh....about our age was the answer!
Haha!  Thankfully, my husband 
wasn't injured.

I did my first table setting for the New
Year today and am sharing a tablecloth
I made with some purple toile fabric.
Many upholstery type fabrics are wider
and can make great tablecloths.

This is a bigger vintage toile pattern
sometimes called "House Party"
or "Litchfield House Party".
Laura Ashley marketed it too.

My transferware is Clarice Cliff
Rural Scenes.

I found this machine sewn vintage
quilt on Ebay which had perfect
colors for our "snug" area in our
home.  It is on the pony rail by
the stairs going down.

I hope you are keeping warm
and staying safe!