On Sunday, September 21st, I flew home to Virginia to visit my step father. September 24th would have been my Mom's 87th birthday and their wedding anniversary. Since my Mom passed away last October, I wanted to be there during what would have been her birthday and spend the week visiting my family.
Yesterday I purchased this old Sadler teapot in Denver - yes it has lots of crazing but I love it. I am not a perfectionist. I love old things which are well worn with time! And it was cheap.
During my visit to Gloucester, Virginia, I took this opportunity to reread Susan Branch's 2012 journal and book about her 2 month visit to England. I have not been to England myself so this was my reread of her enjoyable book.
Please help yourself to a cup of tea and one of these Krispy Kreme Donuts. We love to stop there on our way out of Denver and eat them on the way home in the car.
Lastly, I am sharing this old vase I also found yesterday. My garden is winding down but a few blooms remain here and there.