Except for a day or two here and there, we really haven't had spring weather. I'm wondering if at some point it will just suddenly become summertime. My winter coat is still out and ready to wear. I am looking forward to seeing some of your teas in the garden today. This morning I reflected on the book "Tasha Tudor's Garden" which we love! I'm not so sure if it is still in print but I'm sure you could find a used copy somewhere.
speak Japanese right?
Please help yourself to tea and some lovely strawberries as I show you my book.
Please help yourself to tea and some lovely strawberries as I show you my book.
I have shared that this summer after 28 years, my shop will be closing. We are in the process of having a GOOB Sale (Going Out Of Business). Things are going well and we are pleased. Some ladies are coming in crying......yes actually crying and there are many sweet comments.
I have little girls that come to my store every week just to play at the play table. Sometimes the grandparents who are babysitting them bring them in. I will miss them. Others are all grown up now as I have had a play table for the last 17 years. They come in and point to the table and share their story with me of how they used to play there. Most call me "Miss Bernideen".
If you watch this video of Tasha Tudor you will be inspired. I think maybe this week our cold weather will disappear and I shall be able to get out in the garden. Great fun!