I am troubled when I see a
blog post that starts with "I am
having computer problems".
I have had to say that before
and yes, here I am saying it today.
blog post that starts with "I am
having computer problems".
I have had to say that before
and yes, here I am saying it today.
Oh, dear.....
Suddenly Monday evening my photos
wouldn't download from my camera
when I use the Windows 10 photo
gallery so let's just do a little
review of some oldies for today's party.
The above photo was taken last
August 8th
August 8th
down under the deck.
This photo is from August 1st last year:
These 2 photos are from July:
And June:
I hated to not have my tea time
party today so thank you for
putting up with a rerun!
This "Tea In The Garden" was in May:
and another at the end of May:
And this one was exactly one year ago
but we do not have any irises
blooming this time!
And I will leave it there and dream of
those yet to come. Things are very green
now which is just wonderful in itself.
The blue forget me nots are blooming
The blue forget me nots are blooming
after a long brown wintertime.
*Late note today: if any of you ever have
this problem with Windows 10 - here is the
link to fix it and yes! My Hubby and I
just figured it out minutes ago!
I hope you can join me by posting and
sharing something for "Tea In The Garden"