Saturday, January 26, 2019


No need for alarm...
no trouble.....just
a confession!  I don't like to
repeat the same projects over
and over.  I like doing many
different things.  I have had 
fun making these for friends.
My one friend
loves horses so I hope she loves
Victorian horses.

I have been cutting out clip art and
using glue and glitter for days here
and making an ongoing mess in
the kitchen so now I am sure I 
will love seeing things that came
to fruition and the mess associated
with them out of here.

I did some tea
 themed Valentine
cards of course!

And this one with Tasha Tudor's art 
from "All For Love" combined with
 the Eiffel Tower:

Now I am on to baking for a big event
at church tomorrow to help raise funds
 for needs in our community.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Each is charming, I love the idea of making one’s own valentines.

  2. You, my dear, are a womderfully creative person.

  3. How very sweet as well as unique! You are so talented! And all your cutting and gluing does bring up memories of long ago school days' valentine creations...

  4. Your valentines are full of charm, Bernideen. I'm like you, and like doing many different things.

  5. Darling!
    Really loved seeing your Valentine's ♡

  6. How lovely Your beautiful Valentines are ... You have inspired me Dear lady ...Thanks for sharing your talents here....Hugs

  7. How beautiful!Have a lovely week,sweet lady!

  8. These really are so beautiful. Heirlooms!

  9. Hi Bernideen,
    Those are beautiful! Nice of you to bake for your church fundraiser too.
    Take care,

  10. Those are gorgeous Bernideen! I think you are going to be the next Wendy Addison!!


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