Saturday, June 22, 2019


After days of rain and rain
 we finally
see sunshine again:

I do have some Queen Anne's Lace in my
front yard and I hope to "manage" it.

So far, our weather hasn't been as
hot as usual for June but we have had
 a lot of rain.

This morning it poured so I hope
the ground will dry out and I will
try to do a "Tea In The Garden"
photo shoot this next week.  If I
see any others I will include 
a link to them.

The fences have a lot of
bittersweet growing on them.
This fall the berries will turn
colors and be pretty for fall!

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Oh my!Absolutely gorgeous! Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. You have lots of pretty plants to enjoy in your lovely garden.
    Enjoy your sunshine.....we had a heavy rain for a couple of days
    but sunny today.

  3. You garden full of flowers is looking lush, Bernideen. We have had so much rain herein Texas, too. It's sure giving my sprinkler system a break!

  4. Your garden has all the flowers I personally enjoy! It is a delight to see it!

  5. Yes, we had heavy rain and we're finally drying out. Sunny today which is welcome. I love your garden with the bird bath in it. What kind of tree is the bird bath sitting under? Such a lovely bed there. We don't keep water in our bird bath because the mosquitoes are too bad. We generally place a basket of flowers in it. They will be pink again this year just like last year. Very showy. Enjoy your garden!

  6. Ah, Bernideen, isn't it crazy what a lot of rain will do. My giant Hostas are islands and grasses are crazy. What a strange year. Lovely post!


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