Last year I shared this lovely tea bread
from a recipe I saw on Lynn Bean's Blog
so I am sharing it again. I baked this
one yesterday on Thanksgiving Day.
from a recipe I saw on Lynn Bean's Blog
so I am sharing it again. I baked this
one yesterday on Thanksgiving Day.
I enjoyed getting out some red
transferware yesterday to begin the
Christmas decorating.
Christmas decorating.
We saw the most beautiful Holly with
red berries a few weeks back in St. Louis
in front of a business. I wish I had some
in my yard. It was all
I could do to stop
myself from cutting some of it.
red berries a few weeks back in St. Louis
in front of a business. I wish I had some
in my yard. It was all
I could do to stop
myself from cutting some of it.
I love this older Victoria
Magazine book
for Christmas . It is
fun to just sit here by
the fire and read.
fun to just sit here by
the fire and read.
I hope you can join me today
and share
a tea time posting
from your blog below.
I am also sharing at:
Vintage Charm
The Art of Homemaking Mondays
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
I am also sharing at:
Vintage Charm
The Art of Homemaking Mondays
Tuesday Cuppa Tea