Thursday, March 6, 2025



With the arrival of March, I was
excited to reset the dining area table
with the green transferware that I
 have been collecting.

This is actually a Battenberg
bed cover I am using for a table
cloth which explains the deeper
drop on the sides.  The topper is linen
with brighter green cutwork embroidery.
I have two sizes of tablecloths that
 my Grandmother embroidered for me shortly after I was married
56 years ago.  There are 2 sets of
embroidered napkins too. 

 I used some of the stained 
napkins to make
a tea cozy years ago.

I find green transferware hard to find
and especially this Johnson Brothers
pattern called "The Florentine".

This covered dish
was my most
recent find:

We still had some
snow a few days
ago but we have
also enjoyed some
warmer days and
everyone is looking
forward to spring.

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