Friday, October 8, 2021


 I love each season for it's own special
characteristics and unique visual 
changes.  I also love seasonal foods and
baking delights.  Fall is here and the 
perfect time to smell Gingerbread,
 Carrot Walnut Cake 
and Soups and Breads.

One of the joys found in cookbooks is
the memories of past baking and
serving food to those you love
and friends you 

I recently went through all my
fall recipes I have collected over
the years.  I have those specifically
for Afternoon Tea but also others we enjoy ourselves or for company that are
both cooking and baking.

Here are some ideas for fall:
Look for recipes with cranberries, nuts,
and dried fruits. Baked apples always
smell so good.  In the fall I think about
pomegranates, persimmons and figs.

One year I tried a Persimmon Cake
although I wasn't overly excited about
it even though it was really pretty.

What recipes do you love for fall? 


  1. Yesterday, I went to the apple orchard so I had apples. After eating one, I made my apple cheese danish for supper—so good, You do ever so much more baking than I!

    Your vignettes have been a pleasure to see, The brown transferware especially. Love the teapot with the partridge most especially.

  2. The leaves swirling in the breeze and cooler temperatures definitely puts me in the mood for making soup and baking. Some of my favorite recipes use apples and walnuts or wild plums.

  3. Oh, I love fall baking. Things with pumpkin, cranberries, apples, and more. Apple Crisp Pizza is a favorite here -- and so is apple crisp. We went apple picking this week so we have plenty to use.

    Your brown transferware is glorious!


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