Sometimes the main benefit of
setting up a table setting is the
fact that it is the perfect opportunity
to wash them all (and these by
hand of course).
my "Tea In The Garden" posts but
when I realized the colors matched
my Old Country Roses china pattern,
I decided to do this table setting post
and include the arrangement.
china pattern before. Actually, I
acquired this set around the time of
our 40th anniversary which was about
15 years ago. A lady came into my
shop trying to sell the set to earn
money to pay her utility bill. (It had belonged to her Mother In Law but was not her taste) I sent her down the street
to another shop but when she came
back 2 hours later, my husband
we buy it.
be the most beloved all time pattern.
My pieces are from England (except
the warmer) but starting around 2000
the pieces were outsourced to China and
Indonesia. If you look for some - the English will always be more collectible.
Read the bottom backstamp. Also,